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Watch a residency in action

Arena in your school


Workshop and artistic residency


Tailored to the school's requirement.
Primary or secondary.





Arena comes to your school


Arena’s artist-in-residence programs are a unique way to provide students with access to professional artists. Each residency is tailored to the particular request of the school. They may involve art making, installation, performance, multimedia and music.


Arena’s residencies are designed to empower and inspire young people to define and express  themselves through the art we create together. Reflected through the skills of professional artists, children's stories are honoured and transformed in ways they could never have imagined, while at the same time being utterly recognisable as their own.


See the videos and gallery above for some examples of an Arena school residency. 


Hearts touched, minds opened

“Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you or use your products.
Change the text and add your own."

Alexa Young, CA

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