Hidden Creature Gallery
by Arena Theatre Company
Art and technology collide with participation and imagination
Kids create their own digitally animated creatures using motion capture technology.
Art and technology collide with participation and imagination in Hidden Creature Gallery. Children work with Arena's professional artists to create and ‘hide’ their own animated creatures using Augmented Reality technology. Since it's 2019 premiere at the Castlemaine State Festival, we have observed how, through this digital engagement, Hidden Creature Gallery can deepen children's appreciation and enthusiasm for the museum/gallery/venue experience.
"To observe young people activating a creature in the gallery, absorbing a 30-second animation of a display object, and then slowly looking around the gallery at all the other objects, you can hear the penny drop. 'Oh...so what are the other stories in this place?' For museum engagement - that is gold."
Michael McLaughlin
Manager of Programs and Community Engagement
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
One of Hidden Creature Gallery's most ambitious and successful installations was at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) for their "Lift Off" Children's Festival in 2023.
Arena's artists worked closely with museum staff and local First Nations elders to guide children through the process of creating 25 digital creatures inspired by TMAG's remarkable collection. A custom-built mobile app allowed museum visitors to embark on an augmented reality hunt, with the animated creatures springing to life and revealing the extraordinary stories behind the museum's artefacts.
This collaborative installation offered a fresh, engaging lens for visitors to explore the museum's collections through an authentically childlike perspective. The six-month installation enhanced visitor engagement, enriched educational opportunities through innovative digital platforms, and strengthened TMAG's community ties through creature-development workshops.
Get in touch to talk about how Arena can create a customised Hidden Creature Gallery. From consultation to launch and beyond, Arena guides every step to unlock the wonders museums hold through the magic of augmented reality.
Workshop and/or space activation.
Using photography, motion capture, animation & Augmented Reality
Recommended age 5+
Artist-led workshops:
Children photograph objects that are interesting to them
Digital artists transform the photographs into digital creatures
Children and artists collaborate to write a story about the creature
Using motion capture technology, children narrate and animate their character using their own voice and facial movement
Installation and hunt:
Creatures are "hidden" behind specially designed markers using Augmented Reality (AR) technology
The markers are placed around the space/venue or gallery
Visitors download the free Hidden Creature Gallery app to their personal device
Visitors hunt for markers and scan them to reveal the animated hidden creatures
Starlight Express Room at the Monash Children’s Hospital
The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Castlemaine State Festival
Warrandyte Festival
Bendigo Easter Festival
DreamBIG Adelaide
Hamilton Performing Arts Centre
Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre
The Round, Nunawading
Mornington’s Drift Festival
Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre's Arty Farty Party
Bendigo’s Golden Dragon Museum​