Under the Australian Marriage Act, 17 year-old Victoria is forced to seek the court’s permission to marry her 22 year-old fiancé before she turns 18. After an initial refusal, and fuelled by overwhelming public support, the decision is overturned by the Supreme Court and a precedent is set.
Based on a fascinating true story, Australian Marriage Act is a frank, humorous and moving account of a young couple’s fight for love. When the couple discovers Victoria is pregnant during the court case, drama develops at breakneck speed with rapid interaction between the courts, family and the media.
Tackling controversial subject matter, this riveting production deals with the real issues young people face when growing up. Exploring sexual relationships and the age of consent, personal identity, discrimination, privacy and the law, Australian Marriage Act is bold, original and raw theatre.
Australian Marriage Act premiered at the Queensland In Schools’ Tour in 2001. Since then, it has toured:
2001 - Victoria: In-Schools’ Tour, Regional Arts Victoria (April)
2002 - Victoria: In-Schools’ Tour, Regional Arts Victoria (April)
Queensland: In-Schools’ Tour, Queensland Arts Council (March)
2007 - Sydney: The Studio, Sydney Opera House(31 July – 3 August)
Melbourne: Fairfax Studio, The Arts Centre (7-10 August)
2008 - Victoria: In-Schools’ Tour, Arena Theatre Company (14 April – 2 May)
Writer/Director Marcia Ferguson
Co-Devisors Miria Kostiuk, Genevieve Morris, Jim Russell
Composer Byron Scullin
Set Design Simon Tyrell
2008 Cast Joanne Trentini, Grant Foulkes, Sarah Hallam
2007 Cast Jodie Le Vesconte, Christopher Brown, Katie-Jean Harding
2002 Cast Peta Brady, Tom Davies and Miria Kostiuk
2001 Cast Fiona McLeod, Steve Mouzakis, Lucy Slattery